While credit cards are convenient and give you instant gratification, credit card debt is a huge problem in modern societies. If not used wisely they lead to overspending money you still do not have. Spending just because you can is never a wise move. Mounting credit card debt, especially if you have more than one card, may be a disaster if you can not pay off the balance of them all each month.
Now is the time to take control of your financial future. If you need to use credit to buy everything you want, do you actually need it? Or is it a want? Look at consolidating your credit card debt into one low interest payment and throw the rest of your credit cards out. Only keep one with a low minimum balance. Keep the limit close to an amount you can pay off in no more than two months. Once you only have one payment, you can afford to increase your monthly payment to pay your credit card debt off more quickly.
There is nothing worse than the pressure of several maxed out credit cards and the resulting credit card debt. Get your spending under control. The financial pressure it adds to your life is just not worth it. Use your credit card for emergencies. Stop spending beyond your means or you may find yourself trying to avoid bankruptcy next. Start a financial plan - start a spreadsheet on your incomings and outgoings, and record everything you spend for a month. Absolutely everything - takeaway food, bills, outings - every single cent you spend. And, don't cheat. The only person you cheat is yourself. At the end of the month, take a look at what you spent. How does it look? How much was on essential items?
food, utilities, loan payments? Now look at where you spent the rest - how much could you have lived without? Take a long hard look and be honest about it. I'll bet there is a lot you don't need that could be put towards your credit card debt.
Plan your future and live within your means. And stick to your budget to avoid more credit card debt. Paying your credit cards weekly will help pay your credit card debt off quickly and no more will you fear your monthly credit card bill. It will give you freedom to save for the future and achieve bigger dreams and goals. It will also give you an excellent credit rating to help you make your financial dreams come true. No-one is going to do it for you. So what are you waiting for? To head straight into bankruptcy because you don't know what to do? Get out there and deal with your credit card debt.
Always pay the credit card with the highest interest rate first. This is just commonsense. Do you even know what the rates are on your credit card debt? Maybe you should check then you'll pull your head out of the sand and get your finances back in order. Get rid of all those credit cards, take control of your life and have a wonderful future. - 16887
Now is the time to take control of your financial future. If you need to use credit to buy everything you want, do you actually need it? Or is it a want? Look at consolidating your credit card debt into one low interest payment and throw the rest of your credit cards out. Only keep one with a low minimum balance. Keep the limit close to an amount you can pay off in no more than two months. Once you only have one payment, you can afford to increase your monthly payment to pay your credit card debt off more quickly.
There is nothing worse than the pressure of several maxed out credit cards and the resulting credit card debt. Get your spending under control. The financial pressure it adds to your life is just not worth it. Use your credit card for emergencies. Stop spending beyond your means or you may find yourself trying to avoid bankruptcy next. Start a financial plan - start a spreadsheet on your incomings and outgoings, and record everything you spend for a month. Absolutely everything - takeaway food, bills, outings - every single cent you spend. And, don't cheat. The only person you cheat is yourself. At the end of the month, take a look at what you spent. How does it look? How much was on essential items?
food, utilities, loan payments? Now look at where you spent the rest - how much could you have lived without? Take a long hard look and be honest about it. I'll bet there is a lot you don't need that could be put towards your credit card debt.
Plan your future and live within your means. And stick to your budget to avoid more credit card debt. Paying your credit cards weekly will help pay your credit card debt off quickly and no more will you fear your monthly credit card bill. It will give you freedom to save for the future and achieve bigger dreams and goals. It will also give you an excellent credit rating to help you make your financial dreams come true. No-one is going to do it for you. So what are you waiting for? To head straight into bankruptcy because you don't know what to do? Get out there and deal with your credit card debt.
Always pay the credit card with the highest interest rate first. This is just commonsense. Do you even know what the rates are on your credit card debt? Maybe you should check then you'll pull your head out of the sand and get your finances back in order. Get rid of all those credit cards, take control of your life and have a wonderful future. - 16887
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