Monday, February 23, 2009

Golf Swing Fix: How Long Will It Take?

By Paul Wilson

Most golfers who are trying to fix their swing wonder how long it's going to take. In the next sections, I show you some different approaches you can take. As you read them, it will be up to you to figure out the best approach.

Swing Fix 1 - Buy New Clubs

At one time or another, most golfers have thought the buying new clubs was going to instantly change their game. Buying new club is not to be totally discounted because many people are not playing with the correct equipment for their swing, or they haven't had their clubs fitted. What you should do, is find an experienced clubfitter and have your clubs fitted and your swing checked as soon as you can.

Buying new clubs can fix your swing in a way you may not realize. New clubs give you a different feeling from your old clubs. When you hit shot with them, you aren't thinking about your swing because they feel so different. This different feeling clears your mind but not for long. Use your new clubs for a couple of weeks and they won't feel all that different so you go right back to thinking about your swing. So, buying new clubs may be a temporary fix but it's not a long term solution. As I said earlier, your best bet is to seek out a clubfitter and have him fit you. Once you do that, you really should focus on your swing.

Swing Fix 2 - Trying Different Swing Tips

Most of us have flipped through the golf magazines and went to the range to try a magical tip to get our back on track. The thing is, most golfers are not experienced enough to determine if these tips would benefit their swing. If you feel that you are not experienced enough, and you keep trying these tips, you make do more harm than good. Plus, tips are tips. They are not necessarily going to help your swing fundamentals.

An example would be to try a stronger grip. A tip like this may help you square the club a little better but it's is not helping your develop a proper grip. Make sure you're very careful the next time you experiment with one of these tips from your friend, or in magazines. You should spend a few minutes talking about the tip with your teacher or head pro so you can be sure that it is something that you should be doing. You should try it only after this consultation. If it works, great!

Swing Fix 3 - No Focus

The great majority of golfers are trying to find the miracle cure so they try to make way too many changes at the same time. This approach will never work. Unfortunately, this will be too confusing. Plus, you may end up trying so many different things that you forget what actually worked. Even if you had some success, it may have just been luck. The only way you truly know if this way of working on your swing is a success is if you see long term results.

Swing Fix 4 - Working on One Thing at a Time

The best thing you can do to fix your golf swing is to work on one thing until you have it mastered. If you do it this way, you'll keep your focus and not be trying to work on all sorts of different things at once. To work on your swing this way, you will need to study a swing method or take lessons from a qualified pro. Working on your swing this way will make the changes permanent because you will spend more time on each position without distractions. Now, I know that you're probably thinking this is going to take a long time. When you compare this way of fixing your swing to the others, you really will getter better, faster.

The reason is, the other ways I described only present a short term fix whereas, isolating one part of your swing develops the right fundamentals that will stay with your long into the future. - 16887

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