Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fantastic Ideas For Creating Collages!...

By Anna Meenaghan

You can have fun expressing yourself, by making your own collage. As you can use what you like to create this, the freedom with this kind of art is endless.

What do collages consist of? Well, it could be newspaper cuttings, magazine cut outs, feathers, string, scraps of fabric, plastic, silver paper or card, to name but a few items. To sum it up, all kinds of textures can be brought into use.

It may be now, that you have to paint your background card, or whatever you may be using. Once it is dry, you can then sketch out your subject, then try different pieces out and find places to position them on your sketch, or backdrop.

At this stage, eliminate anything you are not going to use. You could use crepe paper, but any sort of paper you will need in your collage, is in need of tearing or cutting into various shapes and colour choices.

The glue you actually use to stick your collages is very important to your success. So, if you are using fabrics, you need a glue designed for that purpose. The same applies if you are using paper, as you need to be sure your pieces will hold fast.

The collage I have described here is a pretty basic one, but really, if you want to take this a step further, you can use pastels, leather, metal, gravel, buttons etc. Most things can actually be affixed to a flat surface. The rule is really that you can use any items to support what you have in your mind visually.

Children are forever making collages from magazine cuttings, newspapers, bottle tops, silver paper, bits of plastic, bottles etc. Other people make quite amazing collages by only using pieces of newspaper print in black and white from our daily papers.

Recent trends seem to lean towards collages made up from assorted photographs. Students and children like doing these to include their friends, family members or family pets.

Whatever type of collage you make, you need a base to mount it all on, which, for obvious reasons, can vary. The weight of your items has to be taken into consideration. You need a background, painted, can be pasted photos, material, magazine pieces, to work from. You could cover a picture or drawing and can you sketch on to this to map it out.

Now make your choices from your bits and pieces and remove all the unwanted pieces. The ones you are left with can sometimes appear to be a trifle odd ,but don't let this phase you. They do not all have to be so that you have an even, level, surface.

Lets arrange it all now, move your treasures about and once you are convinced that is where you want them, get the appropriate glue and stick them in place. Wait for this to dry and then, I myself, would actually then apply sealant, to give it a degree of protection.

The end result is down to you and how you see fit to use it, whether it is mounted on the wall or a shelf as a picture. Make your choice! - 16887

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