Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Maximize Your Official Recruiting Trips

By Coach Chris Berg

Did you know that you are allowed ONLY 5 Official Recruiting Visits? Do you have all of your recruiting visits scheduled with the coach that is recruiting you? Be sure to schedule your recruiting visits as soon as possible, so you can make your final collegiate decision. Have a lot of fun on your recruiting trip and BE SURE to make it a BUSINESS TRIP!

My senior year in high school, I had several recruiting visits set up. My first official visit was to Stanford University. It was a blast. I got to meet amazing players from all over the country, eat great food, visit with the coaches, see Palo was amazing, but I always approached it as a business trip.

Why is it important to think of it as a business trip?

One of the first things a coach will do once you leave is call the person that hosted you on your trip and find out all about you from your host. He will grill the person with questions such as:

How was he during the weekend?

Did you have any problems with him this weekend?

Did he keep his wits about him during the weekend? Did he cause any problems while he was with you?

These are obviously just a few questions a coach will ask your host...and bottom line he wants to get a feel for you as a student-athlete. Most importantly he wants to know if you will be a positive contribution to the program.

4 things to keep in mind for your recruiting trip:

1. Be sure that you are prepared for your trip. Talk to people about the questions you want answers to, so when you make your final decision you will feel great about your choice in your heart.

2. Do the RIGHT Thing while on campus - typically the person you are teamed up with will take you to a party. DO NOT drink or do drugs (you shouldn't be doing this anyways) on your visit.

3. Talk to as many of the current players as possible. Find out how they feel about the campus, coaches, other players, professors, etc. This is important

4. Always talk to students as well. Find out what they like about the are the athletes treated on campus? Do the athletes fit in? Get a good feel of what your collegiate experience will be like from as many people as possible. - 16887

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