Sunday, December 20, 2009

Five Karate Freestyle Concepts that Win Every Battle!

By Al Case

Freestyle, whether it is the brute force in the Ultimate Fighting Championships, or the well guided darts of classical karate, is a staple of martial arts training. A black belt cannot be considered a black belt, after all, unless he can use techniques of freestyle to reduce the mugger. Even in the Mixed Martial Arts training, a good base of classical karate freestyle goes a long way towards helping a fighter adapt to usable ring concepts.

That all said, I should caution the reader that one should have polished form if he wishes to make the following techniques work. I know many people do not prefer form training in these modern times, but form teaches control of the body, and of the mind, on an intimate level. And while the purpose of freestyle is to destroy somebody, the true art is found in control.

The first thing one must understand is how to prepare the body to enter the fight. This is the position one puts the body in when facing another fighter. The idea is to understand and adjust the structure of the body so that one has proper angle of the leg and therefore pushing muscles, max traction with the feet, and the correct turn of the hip so that max weight can be moved with minimum effort.

Another thing that should be done is focus the eyes on the opponents eyes. Simply, you cannot fight what you cannot face. Don't look at the chest, or unfocus the eyes, look at the eyes and know that you are looking at the windows to a mans soul, and therefore will be able to see the instant of thought, if not the whole thought, of what the intended technique is going to be.

Lift the arms and point them towards the opponents shoulders. Your opponent will have to go through your arms if he wishes to close with you, and that means he no longer has a straight line. If he goes around your arms, that gives you the straight line advantage.

If you wish to make your attacker entirely predictable, spread the hands slightly and give him an alley down which to strike, or tighten them slightly so he will have to go around to strike. You may have lost a slight advantage, but now you know exactly what he will do. Predicting an opponents actions is the majority of the game.

Balance the body so that he doesn't know if you are going to attack high or low or right or left. Turning the shoulders so he can't predict which side you will come in on makes you unpredictable. Not letting the opponent know which foot you are standing on, and which is free will stop him from predicting which foot you will use to launch a kick.

Now, admitted, the techniques and strategy I have presented here are suited to the gunfighter mode of touch tournaments. Still, whether you are facing Anderson Silva in the octagon, or the rival school in a friendly square off, or the gun wielding home invader, these techniques will hold true, and will open the door to further awareness. Whether you are battling in the octagon or on the mean streets, whether you are practicing a traditional karate method, like shotokan, or a more modern method like Kenpo, or even a rare version of Shaolin kung fu or internal Wudan, these tactics will train you to win the fight. - 16887

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