Thursday, November 20, 2008

Otis Spunkmeyer And Chippery For Better Cookie Dough Fundraising

By Juan Franco

Your choice of fundraising product is one of the most important items in determining the success or failure of your fundraising campaign. When choosing your fundraising product you will be presented with many choices but to be successful you should pick one that has a proven track record of substantial earnings. Cookie dough just might be the way to go and Otis Spunkmeyer and Chippery brand cookie dough are the top two choices in that line.

Here are 5 distinct benefits of using Otis Spunkmeyer or Chippery cookie dough as your fundraising product for your next school fundraiser.

1.) In Demand

Otis Spunkmeyer and Chippery cookie dough not only have name brand recognition for a fundraising product, but they are the best tasting. With the varied flavors available you can be sure that you will appeal to the sweet tooth in everyone. It is a proven fact that many more people prefer buying and selling cookie dough than any other fundraising product lines.

2.) Easy to make

Making cookies is sometimes a time consuming process and with the stress and bustle of everyday life there is often little time left for mixing up a batch of cookies. Your Otis Spunkmeyer or Chippery cookie dough will arrive frozen in tubs or boxes and can be stored in the freezer for use when you find it convenient. Take the hum-drum out of making cookies by having a clean and easy way to make them when you want. Pre-formed cookie dough can go directly from the freezer to the oven and even makes better looking cookies.

3.) Very little out of pocket money involved

Otis Spunkmeyer and Chippery cookie dough fundraisers require no up front capital to conduct and therefore are a no risk method for school fundraising. Your sales people simply grab their sales brochure, and a pen and off they go. All sales are completed and all payments are made up front.

4.) Repeatable

Cookie dough is a foodstuff and as such will be consumed by your customers. This fact alone is a big factor to consider when determining which product you will use for a novel fundraising event. A tasty delicious product that is consumed by your client is an excellent way to promote repeat sales at your next fundraiser. In fact, when you use a well know and high quality product like Otis Spunkmeyer and Chippery cookie dough you will have many people double up on their order the next time you do your school fundraiser.

5.) Immediate Profit

Payment for your cookie dough sales is made at the time that the order is taken by your sellers. This reduces the risk to your group of purchasing a product and then collecting upon delivery. Collecting on delivery means you will always have a select few customers who are out of town or who do not want their product when it is delivered. Not so with cookie dough. jCollecting up front payment translates into fast cash for your organization with no huge out of pocket expense. In fact, you school or group will have your profit from the sale within 2 weeks of starting it.

Otis Spunkmeyer and Chippery cookie dough are the most popular brands available for school fundraising today. They are easy to use and require no upfront investment, promotes repeat customers, and generates cash quickly. Use it in your next fundraiser and enjoy all these benefits. - 16887

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