Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Restoring and Repairing Your Photos Using Photoshop Elements

By David Peters

When it comes to restoring those old or unsightly photographs you must decide what you must do first. Some problems that you must correct are very obvious, such as a torn photo or a group of relatives with a bad case of red eye. Some of your photos will have several problems, and they must be corrected in the proper sequence so when you solve one problem it may correct another problem. Here are a few problems you might attack.

* The first problem you want to do is fix any structural issues. Torn or ripped photos can be scanned in and repaired using Photoshop Elements tools so that you will have a whole picture to work with in order to correct other problems.

* The next thing you will want to do is to correct any contrast issues. Are your photographs too light or dark? This can be easily overcome using the Brightness/Saturation levels in Photoshop Elements.

* The next things you may want to correct are simple problems such as "red eye" and dust spots with the Red Eye reduction tool.

* After adjusting the contrast, you can now tackle any color adjustments you wish to make using adjustment tools such as the color picker. You can lighten or darken any existing color, or change the color completely to suit your taste.

* Using the cropping tool you can remove or replace any content you do not want in the photo. Simply replace those undesirable objects with a more pleasing background.

All of these repairs can be easily accomplished using Photoshop Elements. Be brave and experiment with your photo editing program. You can always go back and undo anything that does not return the results that you desire. - 16887

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