Monday, May 18, 2009

Movie Over Internet Reviews

By Plancius Hertzsprung

Most people like certain types of movies. Then depending on the moment will narrow what they want to see. Movies are categorized to help us with this. We created a list of some movie types, and the films that belong in each specific genre.

One of the favorite movie genres is the action genre. Here are some famous action films: Any list of action movies would include, The French Connection, The Dark Knight, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sub genres for action might be action-crime, action thriller, action-comedy and action-fantasy.

Comedy Movies: Lethal Weapon, The Toy, and Duck Soup are good examples of comedy movies. Some sub genres of comedy movies would be comedy-action, comedy-adventure, and parody.

The following are drama movies: American Beauty, The Negotiator, and Jackie Brown are some good drama films. To further narrow your search, sub genres are formed. Drama-science fiction, cultural-drama, and drama-thriller would all be sub genre.

Examples of documentary movies: Any list of documentary movies would include, Hoop Dreams, Bowling for Columbine, and The Thin Blue Line. Sub genres for documentary would include, spoof documentary films, epic-documentary, or government facts-documentary.

The following are adventure movies: Any list of adventure movies would include, King Author, The Bounty, and Hildago. Sub genres for adventure might be adventure-crime, adventure thriller, adventure-comedy and adventure-fantasy.

Science fiction Movies: Total Recall, The Terminator, and Aliens are good examples of science fiction movies. Some of the sub genres include science fiction-parody, science fiction-horror, and science fiction-disaster.

Horror Movies: Horror films would include An American Werewolf in London, Day of the Dead, and Asylum. Horror movies will be split up into many sub genres, such as horror-werewolf, horror-zombie, or horror-comedy.

Almost everyone likes thriller films. Here are some films in this category: Any list of thriller movies would include, Primal Fear, Memento, and Running Scared. You will have erotic- thriller, courtroom-thriller, and crime-thriller sub genre to narrow your picks.

You can search for western movies like, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Tombstone, and Maverick. Recent animation hits are Stuart Little, WALL-E, and Ice Age. Classic movies like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, and Patton are must see movies.

Look into movie download sites if you like to collect movies. Do a quick search and find what some movie download sites offer. Movie downloads are the wave of the future. - 16887

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