Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Improve Vertical Jump - Hamstring Stretches To Jump Higher

By Brian Fender

Every individual should find a way to improve vertical jump. There are plenty of purposes and techniques to carry out such a task.

This article will examine the reasons and methods to do such. Not only can an improved vertical help you athletically, but it can improve your health as well.

Health: There are many great health benefits to increasing one's vertical jumping ability. One of these benefits is the fact that an improved vertical often correlates to a leaner and stronger core. There are a wealth of studies that have linked the strength and fitness of the midsection with overall levels of health, standard of living, and life expectancy.

Additionally, improving one's vertical also increases leg strength. This can result in more muscle mass, which in turn can boost metabolic rates. Leg strength can also help with balance and endurance levels.

Perhaps more significantly, as we age one of the first difficulties we encounter is with remaining upright. By improving your vertical rate, you can create long lasting benefits for your health

Athletics: Vertical capabilities can improve one's athletic ability in all areas. This is due to the fact that athleticism has become more and more important in regards to ability, as time goes on.

In basketball, an improved vertical can increase a player's rebounding and scoring. In track and field, jumping is often how and competitor is judged. In baseball, an improved vertical can increase defensive abilities in the outfield. As far as football is concerned, jumping ability is important for receivers, and defensive-linemen who try to block field goals and forward passes.

Additionally, improving jumping ability can increase an individual's quickness as well. If you can improve your vertical, you can increase your overall performance.

As you can see, there is much to consider when attempting to improve vertical jumping ability. There are many benefits for such, both health-wise and athletically. - 16887

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