Monday, June 29, 2009

Jumping Exericses

By Josh Dibbs

Learning how to jump higher is the key to winning any sport that favors tall people. You don't have to be born tall to be a great athlete, you just have to be able to jump higher than they can jump. If you learn how to jump higher you will be a great teammate for any team.

What are some good exercises to increase jump height?

First of all you need to understand that you need sufficient leg strength before you should start doing any sort of jumping program.

Once your legs are strong enough you need to then start a jump-higher program.

The first workout we will look at will be squat jumps. Just squat down and then explode up from the squatted position and jump as high as you can. You want to get the most height that you can on every jump and for that reason you will only do about 8 reps so that you can work on max height instead of endurance.

Now we will focus on hitting the calves, because they are very important with jumping. You will do calf raises on a step also going for speed rather than shear number of reps. You don't want to train endurance once again.

Third, we will do the stomach, you need to have a strong core because all the weight must transfer from the legs through the core to make you jump higher.

Crunches are a great way to train the top of the stomach. For the lower stomach you need to do leg lifts.

More great exercises at make sure you visit that site. - 16887

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