Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tips To Improve Golf Swing

By Harry Archer

Most weekend golfers just go out to the golf course to enjoy the sunshine, the good fellowship of their golfing buddies and have a few brewskis after the round of golf. That's good. We aren't all trying to be Tiger Woods. We just want to duff around and have fun.

Of course having fun and relaxing is a little hard to do when you are in the woods on five holes and hit four balls into sand traps and another two in a water hazard. That doesn't do much for the old handicap that is astronomical already. In fact, although you laugh them off, some of the good natured barbs flung your way sting a little. That's when you make up your mind that you are going to take the game a little more seriously. If this sounds like you - here are some tips to improve golf driving distance

Most golfers will tell you that putting is the most important part of your golf game and I agree. But, you need to get onto the green before you can putt. The golf club that starts the process of getting to the green is the driver and this is where most of the trouble starts. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

When we take our stance at the golf tee, we need to consider some factors to improve golf driving distance such as wind conditions and the width of the fairway being a couple. If the wind is behind you, a higher drive is best. To hit a higher drive, tee the ball a little higher and stand a little forward of the ball.

For instance, if you want to improve golf swing it will become automatic that you watch your grip. You will know without thinking that if you let your grip slip so that the head of your driver turns back a little and your club face flies open, you are going to slice the drive. On the other hand, if the club face turns over into what is known as a closed face, you will experience a hook.

When we begin golfing, the tendency is to overpower the ball. Step up, take a baseball grip and try to knock it out of the park. In order to play good golf, you should experiment with different grips and see which one works best for you. If it turns out to be a baseball grip then use it.

Besides using it to think with your head plays very little part in your golf game, except to keep it still. The natural tendency is to look up as soon as you hit the ball to see where it is going. That curiosity turns many a golf round from pride to disaster. Now don't get me wrong, it's virtually impossible not to have some head movement. You'll see it even in the best of golfers, but they control it. If you watch a good golfer closely, you might see some movement on the back swing but they make sure that their head is behind the ball at the point of impact.

There is no one big thing that will improve golf game. But attention to many small things can cut a lot of strokes off your game and relieve a lot of frustration. No one can teach you everything right and you will never be able to do everything right. The greatest golfers in the world will be in trouble several times in the course of a match, the big difference in them and the ordinary golfer is that once they are in trouble, they know how to get out of it.

The best thing to do is to practice and iron out the kinks on the practice tee. Worrying about fundamentals on the course takes all the fun out of the game. Remember Tiger Woods you or I will never be. We can just make the best of what we have and enjoy the sunshine. These golf swing tips are only a part of the game and meant to improve your golf game without reducing the fun. - 16887

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