Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Radio Controlled Boats - What is best: Electric vs. Gas vs. Nitro?

By David O Hobby

When you are thinking about getting started with radio controlled boats, you'll need to think about what kind of power source you want. The most basic models around are the electric powered radio controlled boats, which are also the cheapest to buy as well as having the cheapest type of fuel. Gas powered radio controlled boats, on the other hand, are fueled through a mix of standard gasoline and oil, and the radio controlled boats themselves are reasonable while the fuel is a bit high. Gas powered radio controlled boats are a great middle of the road alternative for the hobbyist who happens to be on a budget.

On the higher end of the spectrum, you can find nitro powered radio controlled boats, which are powered with a nitro methane mixture and can run for quite a while longer than electric powered radio controlled boats. This fuel is a bit more expensive than gas and does not have as long a shelf life, but can be adapted for use in smaller, more compact radio controlled boats. Each of these fuels have their own place in the radio controlled boat world, and depending on how involved in the sport you want to get, they are all appropriate for different people.

If you are just getting started with radio controlled boats, there are many people that say that you should start with electric controlled models. Their fuel is cheap, they don't have extensive maintenance costs and they are fairly inexpensive. Also keep in mind the fact that they can be customized fairly easily and that you can buy models that suit your need to create or to construct. You can get them in the form of kits or radio controlled boats that are ready to go. You can expect to pay between thirty and two hundred dollars for an electric radio controlled boat, depending on the features and the quality that you are after.

When you are looking at electric radio controlled boats, you'll discover that they are very reliable and that they handle very well. They are easy to operate and they will use the same kind of batteries that are used by radio controlled cars, which run on six to twelve rechargeable NiCad battery packs. You'll also be happy to hear that they are quieter than either gas or nitro powered radio controlled boats, which is perfect when you are in the city.

When you are looking for speed, the electric powered radio controlled boat will get you between 15 and 25 miles per hour. Do remember that they will slow down and halt as their battery drains. One way around this problem is to make sure that you have a big bag of replacement batteries if you want to race.

If you are interested in an option that is in the middle based on quality and performance, make sure that you take a look at the gas fueled radio controlled boats. The mixture of gas and oil depends on the type of radio controlled boat that you have and you'll also find that their engines are occasionally called weed whacker engines, due to the amount of noise that they make and the exhaust that they pout out. You will find that they have the longest run time and that they can reach speeds upwards of 40 to 65 miles per hour. They are a great standard choice when you are looking at radio controlled boat racing competitions, and at some point or other in your experience with radio controlled boats, you should give them a try.

When you are ready to spend some serious cash, you may want to take a look at nitro radio controlled boats. These radio controlled boats run on a nitro-methane fuel, and though their running time is just around 15 minutes or so, they can achieve speeds of 30 to more than 100 miles an hour. These are the radio controlled boats that have set the world records in this sport. On the whole, nitro radio controlled boats tend to be smaller and more compact, setting a great standard for maneuverability. You do need to keep in mind, though, that the fuel for this type of radio controlled boat can run up to 15 dollars per gallon. These radio controlled boats are also a larger expenditure of cash up front, but if you want a radio controlled boat that is highly responsive and fast, this is the way to go.

With all of that information to look at, which is the right option for you? The answer depends n what you want to do with your radio controlled boat. If you are just in it for casual weekend use, you'll find that at an electric or gas powered radio controlled boat is going to be perfect for you. You won't need to worry about storing volatile fuel and you can simply take your radio controlled boat out to the lake and run it when you please.

When you want to get involved with radio controlled boat racing, consider getting a gas radio controlled boat. These radio controlled boats promise speed and endurance and you'll find that they are perfect when you are thinking about customizing them to get the results that you want. They are a perfect option when you want a middle of the road prospect.

When you are into really gorgeous radio controlled boats that give you ultra high performance, you'll discover that nitro radio controlled boats are what you want. The engines are perhaps more pricey, but if you want serious speed, this is the way to go.

Getting started with radio controlled boating should involve research. Head to a local hobby shop or get online and see what is available. Does anyone around own the type of radio controlled boat that you are interested in? Would they mind if you took it for a spin and see how it handled? This can help you a great deal.

There are many radio controlled boating organizations and clubs all around the country who are always happy to welcome interested people and answer their questions, and through these groups, you can even find races and competitions where you can meet up with others who find radio controlled boating just as thrilling as you do. - 16887

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